Anti-Bullying Week (11.11.24)
This week is anti-bullying week, and the theme is ‘Choose Respect’. Each class explored a different way of choosing respect and shared this in awards assembly. Class 1 told us all about how to stay calm and take a break through blowing bubbles. Class 2 shared some ‘I feel’ statements with us. Class 3 taught us ways to avoid making things personal when having disagreements. Class 4 explored ways to reflect and learn, as well as using the restorative approach. Well done everyone!
NSPCC Speak out Stay Safe Workshops (14.03.24)
Class 2 and Class 4 were visited by the NSPCC and Buddy as part of their Speak out Safe Safe campaign. They met buddy who talked to them about who they could talk to if they needed help and advice. They identified the trusted adults who keep them safe in their lives and they were given NSPCC packs to complete.
Safer Internet Day (06.02.24)
We have a comprehensive online safety curriculum, but additional to that, we highlight different topics throughout the year and also respond to an identified need. For Safer Internet day, each class explored an aspect of online safety that is pertinent to their class. Class 4 looked at AI and engaged in a debate on if they are for or against it.
Anti-Bullying week (13.11.23)
For Anti-Bullying week, we focused on our HEART value of empathy. Across the week, we explored topics such as the difference between ‘banter’ and bullying, online bullying and the importance of kindness. As we embed the restorative approach to conflict resolution across school, we are supporting the children to see situations from each other’s points of view, especially where there is miscommunication.
To end the week, every class was given a focus artist and asked to produce some artwork based on their learning from the week, in the style of that artist. The child really engaged in the task and there were some powerful pieces produced!
Fire Safety (27.10.23)
We were visited by the Firefighters from Crook Fire Station this morning. They gave an assembly to the whole-school about Bonfire night safety and then we all got a tour of the fire engine.
World Mental Health Day (10.10.23)
We celebrated World Mental Health day in school. Emotional wellbeing and mental health are very important to us and are part of our school values. For World Mental Health day, we invited the children to come to school dressed in green and then we spent the afternoon learning more about our schools SEMH strategy ‘5 ways to shine’. Each class took one of the 5 ways, learnt more about it and then created a presentation for our assembly the then day.