We aim to make our school a safe and inclusive environment for all and to ensure equality and respect for the LGBTQ+ community. We strive to celebrate diversity. Our curriculum has been carefully written to place mutual tolerance and respect for everyone at the heart of it, firmly embedding the diverse make-up of modern Britain throughout it. We have also mapped out a whole-school provision plan for Personal Development. Provision that supports the development of mutual respect and tolerance of others includes:
-Storybook assemblies, covering a range of themes linked to the British Values and Protected Characteristics, including sexual orientation
-A wide variety of LGBTQ+ literature in our library and our classroom reading areas for the children to access
– Celebrating LGBT history month each year
-Including inspirational role-models from the LQBTQ+ community within each subject
Educate & Celebrate
We are proud to have worked towards becoming recognised as an Educate and Celebrate best practice school and are delighted to have gained the silver award
The Rainbow Flag Award
We are currently working toward achieving The Rainbow Flag Award.
The Rainbow Flag Award is a national quality assurance framework for all schools and youth-centred organisations. The award focuses on positive LGBT+, (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, plus other related identities), inclusion and visibility.
The Rainbow Flag Award encourages a whole organisation approach to LGBT+ inclusion, as well as developing strategies to effectively challenge and combat LGBTphobic bullying.