Pupil Premium
At Sunnybrow Primary School, we believe that all children are entitled to an education which allows every child to shine, regardless of their starting point in life or personal circumstances. Pupil Premium is additional funding to main school funding, designed to address the current underlying national inequalities between disadvantaged children (those eligible for free school meals (FSM), looked after children and service family children) and other children.
At Sunnybrow Primary School, in line with DfE and EEF guidance, we spend the pupil premium on improving the educational and personal outcomes of children, depending on their needs, to improve attainment. Pupil premium is not a personal budget for individual pupils and schools are not required to spend all of the allocated grant on eligible pupils.
At Sunnybrow Primary School, our key priorities for pupil premium spending are:-
- Ensuring consistently high-quality teaching throughout school by providing continuous professional development for all staff
- Targeted academic support, which is carefully monitored to ensure impact
- Providing wider strategies to address non-academic barriers to success in schools, such as attendance, behaviour and social and emotional support.
You can view our archived Premium Allocations on our website.
- 2020 – 2021 £54,455
- 2021 – 2022 £65,905
- 2022 – 2023 £63,710
- 2023-2024 £72, 750
You can view or download our Pupil Premium allocation and find out how this has been used at our school and the impact the spending has had on the attainment and progress of pupils.
2021-2025 Pupil Premium Strategy
2023-2026 Pupil Premium Strategy
2023-2024 Pupil Premium Strategy Evaluated
Sports Premium
Our aim at Sunnybrow Primary School is to create a high quality, inclusive PESSPA (Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity) curriculum that inspires, challenges and motivates all children of all abilities from all backgrounds.
The PE and sports premium for primary schools was introduced in March 2013 to
improve the provision of PE and sport in primary schools across England. The school
sport and activity action plan is a cross-government plan created to provide children
with a greater chance to access 60 minutes of sport and physical activity every day.
This plan recommended that at least 30 of those minutes take place within school
time. The PE and sport premium can help schools to achieve this aim, as it provides
schools with £350 million of government funding to improve the PE and physical
activity opportunities for children.
How we can use the Sports Premium
The PE and sport premium is allocated to schools to help them provide additional and
sustainable improvements to the quality of the physical education, physical activity and
sport they provide. The guidance states that as well as this, the PE and
sports premium can be used to build capacity and capability within the school, to ensure that
improvements made now will benefit children joining the school in future years.
There are 5 key areas in which the PE and Sports Premium can be used. They are:
- The engagement of all children in regular physical activity.
- Increasing confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff teaching PE and sport.
- Increased participation in competitive sport.
- Broaden the experience of the range of sports and activities offered to children.
- Raise the profile of PE and sport across the school as a way to whole-school improvement.
The documents below outline our intentions of how the money is going to be used through the academic year. The document should also contain an evaluation of the budget, and whether the spend on each area is sustainable moving forward. Any next steps are also included.
You can view our archived Premium Allocations on our website.
Evidencing and Review (23-24) Intentions (24-25)
PE Premium Evidencing-Document23-24 Intentions
PE Premium Evidencing-Document-22-23-Intentions
If you would like any further information about the Sports Premium, then please contact Mrs Sim through the school office.