Our Equali-tea party (22.11.24)
The School Council are striving to achieve the Rainbow Flag award. To raise awareness of diversity, they held an equali-tea party. Our school council and class 4 pupils did a fantastic job with their presentations and all children involved had a wonderful time!
UK Parliament Week (18.11.24)
For UK Parliament week this year, we took part in the Great Sunnybrow Debate! At the start of the week, we learnt what Parliament is and why it is important to use your voice and have your say. Then on Wednesday, Mrs Sim introduced the children to the Great Sunnybrow Debate! Football tends to cause a lot of ‘discussion’ at Sunnybrow, so she posed the question to the children ‘Should football be banned during playtimes at Sunnybrow? The children then had to get in to ‘for’ and ‘against’ teams and put forward their arguments for their class representatives to share. There was a heated but respectful debate then the jury were given time to ponder their result. The verdict was-Football can continue every morning break, but alternative games will be played at lunchtime when there is no teacher on the yard to supervise it. Staff were blown away by how engaged the children were and the thoughtful reasons they came up with. It was so successful, we think it needs to become an annual event!
Black History Month (01.10.24)
October is Black History Month. This year, we decided to celebrate the work of black artists. Each class had a different artist to focus on and then produced some art work for a display in our hall. Class 1 looked at Alma Thomas, who was inspired by the moon landing in 1969 and Class 3 looked at the work of Althea McNish. They discovered that she came to Britain as part of the Windrush generation, but she missed the warm weather and plants of her home country so she used bright, vibrant colours in her designs. Her work became popular internationally, and she even designed fabric for the queen!
Chinese New Year (09.02.24)
Across the school, we held a Chinese New Year celebration. Children learnt the story behind Chinese new year, tasted traditional food, made lucky purses and created paper dragons.
Hanukah (07.12.24)
The importance of light was the theme throughout school for our Hanukah celebration. Every class made menorahs and Class 4 played spin the dreidel!
Diwali (10.11.23)
We celebrated the Hindu festival Diwali across the school. It is the festival of light and symbolises light over darkness. Every class made their own lanterns in beautiful bright colours-look out for them hanging when you visit school.
Parliament week (06.11.23)
This week was Parliament week at Sunnybrow. Class One took on the task of learning all about democracy and why it is so important to use your vote and have your say. They part in some important votes in class, including their daily book vote, which is a much-loved part of the Class One day! Classes 2 and 4 learnt about Prime Ministers now and then. Class 2 learnt about what a Prime Minister does and Class 4 looked a bit further into the biographies of some Prime Ministers and the changes they brought about in Great Britain during their time in office. Class 3 spent the week learning about what Parliament actually is. They produced some informative posters and booklets to share with the rest of the school.
- Class 3’s posters about Parliament
- Class 4’s biographies
Harvest Festival (25.10.23)
We visited St. Stephen’s church in Willington for our Harvest Festival. Each class did either a reading or performed a poem and we sung some traditional hymns. Thank you to everyone at St. Stephen’s for making us feel so welcome.
Black History Month (02.10.23)
The theme for Black History Month this year was ‘Salute our Sisters’, specifically highlighting and celebrating the achievements of black women. In Sunnybrow, each class spent the month learning about an inspirational black woman and then presented their findings to the rest of the school in a celebration assembly. Class 1 learnt all about Rosa Parks. They produced a superb video to share with the rest of the school to show how Rosa’s bravery changed the course of American history. Class 2 painted some excellent pictures to share their learning about Ruby Bridges. Class 3 learnt about Nicola Adams and taught the rest of the school some boxing moves and Class 4 made a PowerPoint presentation all about MOBO founder Kanya King.