In the SEN Provision section we have added information about Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, including how we support, identify and assess children with SEND at Sunnybrow Primary School. Please access this information from the SEN Provision menu.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at Sunnybrow Primary School
In Sunnybrow Primary, we currently have 31% of our pupils on the SEN register. We produce a special educational needs register as a whole-school, involving a discussion with all staff, children and parents. It is a parent’s decision if they want their child to be on the school SEND register. This information is then used as data for our school Census. At present, we have no children with an Educational Health and Care plan. We have experience of supporting children and young people with a range of needs, including:
*Speech, language and communication needs
*Autistic Spectrum Disorder
*Gross and fine motor difficulties
*Sensory issues
*Social, emotional and mental health needs
*Auditory, visual and working memory difficulties
*General and specific learning difficulties
If you have any questions about SEND please contact the school and we will try our best to help you.