The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) led to the closure of schools, to most pupils, in England from 20 March 2020. As we reopen our school, to more pupils there are a number of new measures in place to keep the children, parents, staff and wider community as safe as possible. Initially, we will be opening for the children in Year 1 and Year 6 as well as continuing to be open for the children of Key Workers. From 29th June we will also be welcoming back children in nursery, reception and Year 5.
What safety measures are in place to protect my child?
The DfE guidance Coronavirus (COVID-19): implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings recognises that for children of primary age they ‘cannot be expected to remain 2 metres apart from each other and staff’. We will be discouraging contact between children, and will always aim to keep 2m apart.. However, for 1st aid or for some children with intimate care needs close contact will be necessary.
However, we will ensure that:
- Children and staff avoid contact with anyone with symptoms
- We promote frequent handwashing and good hygiene e.g. blowing nose into a tissue
- There is regular cleaning of rooms and equipment
- We will minimise contact and mixing between groups of children.
A copy of our risk assessment is available here
Plan for partial opening of school
Covid March 2021 Full risk assessment update
An addendum to our safeguarding policy can be found here
Additional Safeguarding Guidance – A response to COVID 19
Arrival at School
It is very important that only one adult accompanies a child/siblings to and from school, regardless of their age, so that social distancing can be maintained. We will also be operating a staggered drop off and pick up system. We are also asking that adults leave the school site as soon as their child has been dropped off.
We are operating staggered drop off and pick up times.
KS1 bubble 8:45 – 3:00 Children should enter and leave via the Nursery door
KS2 9:00 – 3:15 Children should enter and leave via the C3 door on the yard
What should my child wear?
If their school uniform still fit children should wear this.
If it does not fit, comfortable casual clothes should be worn. Clothes should be washed every night after school.
Children should not bring anything to school other than a coat. Sun cream should be applied before school as the children will be spending lots of time outdoors.
Who will be teaching the children?
The KS1 bubble will be taught in the C2 classroom and the C1 creative area. Miss Smith and Mrs Featherstone will teach the children some days and Mrs Sim and Mrs Austin will teach the children on the other days. They will be supported by Miss Wild and Mrs Black
The KS2 bubble will be taught in the C3 classroom. The children will be taught by either Miss Murphy or Mr Vincent and will be supported my Mrs Leddy and Mr Hull
What will lunchtimes be like?
Groups will not mix at lunchtime and lunch will be served in their classroom. A packed lunch will be provided each day and fish and chips on a Friday.