Pupil Premium funding will be used to provide Teaching Assistants to support in class and withdraw children who are not making expected progress so that they can run intervention groups specific to the needs of the children. The progress of disadvantaged pupils is regularly tracked and intervention is used to ensure they make expected or more than expected progress and their attainment is at least in line with other pupils in our own school and nationally.
Pupil Premium funding is used to ensure that out of school visits and visitors into school inspire disadvantaged pupils and provide them with inspirational experiences which have an impact on their literacy skills. Writing in school is showing an improving trend as pupil premium funding supports these initiatives.
Improving technological access to disadvantaged pupils is a priority in school and funding will be used this year to ensure children are able to access virtual classrooms, websites and Apps which allow them to achieve their potential in all areas of the curriculum.
Staff are very aware that disadvantaged pupils may not be able to access books and reading materials easily and the reading scheme will be reviewed in spring 2015 and resources purchased to ensure that pupils can take reading materials home ensuring that with parental engagement progress in reading is improved and standards in all classes are raised.
In the year 2013 – 2014, Sunnybrow Primary was allocated £55,300.
We have spent it in the following ways:
- Employment of an additional Learning Support Assistant to run small group interventions as well as supporting learning in class.
- Purchase of resources, including those for the teaching of phonics, grammar and reading.
- Subsidising the cost of educational trips to broaden children’s learning experiences.
- Organising events and workshops in school to broaden children’s learning experiences.
The positive impact of this spending is shown in these results.
EYFS – 50% of Pupil Premium pupils achieved a Good Level of Development. This is the standard that children are expected to reach at the end of their first year in primary school. This is less than the national average though by the time these pupils leave the school at the end of KS2, we will expect the gap to have narrowed or closed.
Year 1 phonics screening – 81% of our Pupil Premium pupils passed the screening test. This exceeds the national average for Pupil Premium pupils (61%) and the national average for all pupils (74%).
KS1 SATs (measured on pupils achieving a Level 2B+) – in reading, writing and maths 86% of pupils achieved at least a level 2B compared to 67% of non-pupil premium pupils.
KS2 SATs – All pupils in this cohort qualified for Pupil Premium funding. 100% of pupils achieved at least a Level 4B in reading, writing, maths and SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar). 67% of pupils achieved a Level 5 in reading, 44% in writing, 77% in SPaG and 56% in maths. 11% of pupils achieved a Level 6 in SpaG and 33% in maths.